Customer Spotlight: ATP FLIGHT SCHOOL
The longstanding partnership between Frasca, a FlightSafety International company, and ATP Flight Schools spanning 20 years stands as a testament to Frasca’s ability to forge long-term relationships, provide exceptional products, and deliver unparalleled customer service. (more…)
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing
United Airlines invests in FRASCA simulators for new flight school
By 2030, United Airlines plans to hire at least 10,000 pilots to both fill retirement vacancies and to fly its additional 500+ new aircraft expected to be online by that date. A bold plan like this requires bold execution. United opened United Aviate Academy (UAA) in December 2021 with the goal of training half of those needed pilots at a rate of 500 a year to maintain a strong pipeline of qualified aviators for years to come. United is the only major U.S. airline to own a flight training school. (more…)
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing
Epic Flight Academy Q&A
Haley Konfrst, an IR student at Epic Flight Academy, experiencing Epic’s newest simulator, a FRASCA Cessna 172 Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) with FRASCA’s Motion Cueing System for fixed-wing devices (FMCS-FX)
FRASCA spoke with Dr. Cindy Lovell, Director of Education at Epic Flight Academy, about the flight school’s growing fleet of FRASCA Advanced Aviation Training Devices (AATD). Epic recently became the first flight school in the world to take delivery of a FRASCA Cessna 172 AATD with FRASCA’s Motion Cueing System for fixed-wing devices (FMCS-FX).
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing
Embry Riddle Q&A
Q&A With ERAU Prescott, College of Aviation Flight Department, AZ Campus
FRASCA spoke with Dennis “DJ” Cassady, Flight Simulation Manager, at the ERAU Prescott campus. DJ is responsible for maintaining, updating and upgrading all flight training devices in the program.
How many students are enrolled in the program?
DJ: We have 675 students enrolled for Fall 2020 (more…)
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing
Q & A with UND
Chad Martin took some time out to talk about the University of North Dakota’s (UND) world renown aviation program and how they successfully integrate simulators into their training.
FRASCA: Tell us about your position with UND?
CM: I’m the Fleet Manager and work on Special Projects for the program which means I manage the aircraft and simulator fleet and research products that help support our students and our mission. I’ve been with UND full time since 1999.
FRASCA: How many students do you have enrolled in your programs?
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing
American Flyers & Frasca: Pioneering civilian simulator training
American Flyers and Frasca share a long history in civilian simulator training that continues to grow even today.
It all started in 1939, when Reed Pigman founded charter airline and flight training facility American Flyers in Ft. Worth, Texas. American Flyers provided primary flight training to civilian and military pilots, having been chosen as one of the few civilian flight schools to train pilots for the U.S. Army and Navy. The airline was sold in the 1970s while the flight school continued to grow. (more…)
- Published in Blog, Fixed Wing